Wednesday 28 May 2014

FCE Speaking PART I: Ottavia and Hannah

Some of you will be doing the FCE Speaking next week, so I think it's interesting to see some students actually taking the exam.

We will start with part 1. In this part you will be asked some questions. It is meant for you to relax and to get you talking about some easy and pleasant topic such as: job, education, family, hometown leisure activities and future plans.

Now watch PART 1: While you see the video I want you to answer the following questions:

1) Was their Pronunciation good? Were there any words that impede understanding?

2) Do they make any Grammar mistakes? Do they use appropriate vocabulary?

Now compare your answers with the examiner's notes

Both candidates speak with exceptional pronunciation, and pronounce commonly mispronounced words well ´could´ for example and unusual words ´kitesurfing´with great confidence. Errors which occur do not impede understanding: ´Wiv´ for ´with´and ´norf´for ´north´. 

Grammar and Vocabulary
Both candidates use structures well, for example, the dependent preposition ´without being´ gerund+preposition in the sentence ´without being on a plane´. 
Also, while there is some repetition in the answers to the questions, what do you like about where you live?, with both candidates repeating the same ideas, the vocabulary used is appropriate, and where errors occur, they are corrected immediately: ´I do tennis, I play tennis´, or the word ´custom´ instead of ´habit´.

For some more tips go to TIPS FOR PART 1

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