Thursday 3 December 2015

Prepare your job interview

You are preparing for a job interview, and most people forget that like with everything else practice makes perfect. So for a real interview you'd have to role play at home, and prepare as many questions as you could, write a list and add possible answers. After the interview add any complicated questions the interviewer asked you that weren't in your list.

The most important thing is to make sure that your answers are appropriate and prove to the company that you are articulate and can solve problems. If they ask you something such as what is your greatest weakness, be honest, but also add something good. If you are disorganised  what are you doing about it.

And always give examples, real things that happened to you and how you solved them.

For your homework choose three questions from this link

1 Take note of any interesting vocabulary that you could use

You can add them to your vocabulary notebook page on Jobs

2  Think about how you would answer them.

Remember you can take notes,  but don't write whole sentences just a bullet point diagram

We will do a fake interview on Thursday.

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