Thursday 5 June 2014

FCE Speaking Part 3: Ottavia and Hannah

Now watch Ottavia and Hannah do part 3.

Remember in part 3 they are testing your ability to interact and react to your partner's opinions. 

 Now read the examiner's notes.
Interactive Communication
While one student appears to dominate, when the other student comments her remarks are made in complex language, explaining her ideas fully and contributing to the conversation confidently.

Discourse Management
The students successfully answer both parts of the question, discussing easily, using language to negotiate, agree and disagree, particularly the quieter of the two students who uses a lot of expressions to communicate with her more dominant partner: ´that´s also true´, ´maybe ´, ´but don´t you think…´. 

Grammar and Vocabulary
Both students easily use language of speculation and modal verb structures: ´it could show you how the history evolved and how it get to this point´, ´I think that going to a football match is not so useful because you only look at people throwing a ball´.
While there is some repetition, ´useful´ for example because of its use in the question, there are also surprising quantities of quite elaborate language: ´inhabitants´, ´evolved´ and ´culture´ for example.

Check out some tips for part 2 here 

Monday 2 June 2014

FCE Speaking Part 2: Ottavia and Hannah

Count down for some of you to the FCE Speaking.

Lets have a look at Ottavia and Hannah. As you watch I'd like you to do two things:

1) make sure the candidates answer both parts of the question:

       i) Introduce, Compare and contrast the pictures:
       ii) Answer the question.

2) Answer the following questions:

        i) Was their Pronunciation good? Were there any words that impede understanding?
        ii)  Do they make any Grammar mistakes? Do they use appropriate vocabulary?

Now compare your answers with the examiner's notes

Discourse Management
First candidate produces a good introduction to the two photos, develops good ideas about the content of the photos, uses language of speculation, comparison and contrast. 
The candidate fully answers both parts of the question: comparing and contrasting and commenting on why people are communicating in these ways.

The second candidate successfully introduces the content of the two photos, speaks fully and clearly about both photos and succeeds in answering both parts of the question.

Both candidates speak very clearly and produce only very minimal errors which do not impede comprehension.
Burfdays for birthdays, larthing for laughing, filling for feeling.
The difficult word ´talking´ is pronounced correctly

Grammar and Vocabulary
The first student speaks clearly, giving answers which are extended and using complicated structures to express ideas:
They´re larthing but maybe not for the same reason´ ´ they seem really interested in what they´re saying´.
The second student refers to ´on the photos´repeatedly, but otherwise makes lots of excellent comments:
´They might find difficult to deal with the speed´, ´balance on the ski´, ´They might find difficult to put the right amounts of ingredients in the bowls´.

Check out some tips for part 2 here, and remember to practice this part at home. You can use the questions and pictures in your Trainer book. There are also some more pictures and questions in the introduction of each module of your Expert book. Remember to time yourself!