Thursday 25 June 2015

CAE and FCE: What does the fox say?

One of my FCE students reminded me about this song "What does the fox say?" I thought it would be a good idea to use it for learning the sounds of the animals (By the way I think this was the original purpose of the song):

1-Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the different sounds.
ow     meow   toot   tweet   croak  woof  moo  blub  squeek  quack wapapapapow!
1-Dog goes _____
2-Cat goes _____
3-Bird goes _______
4-and mouse goes ______
5-Cow goes ______
6-Frog goes _______
7 and the elephant goes ______
8-Ducks say _______
9 and fish go ________
10 and the seal goes __________
11 the fox goes__________

So mouse goes squeek, but we can also say a mouse squeaks. 

Squeek (noun) to squeak (verb)

2-Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the different sounds.

1- Mice    (d)              a)hiss
2-Snakes                    b) trumpet
3-Lions                       c) screech
4-Elephants                 d) squeak
5-Parrot                      e) bark
6-Dogs                        f) roar